the city never returned my call about my frozen pipes, but I soon learned that pipes were frozen and bursting all over town, and the article in the new mex actually convinced me that I should call a plumber immediately, lest my pipes burst as well.
About the same time as I read the article and realized my pipes might burst, my neck and back went into seizure, a perfectly reasonable response to a problem: Trouble? Let’s make it worse.
The first plumber I called told me there was no way he could send anyone but advised me to put a space heater on and blow it underneath my sink. The second plumber said he could come at 11 pm Saturday night (I swear to god I used to have a life). the last one came within about an hour after I called (which should have been seen as a blessing, but really just made me doubt his credentials). His advice was to just wait and keep blowing the space heater on the sink. He didn’t charge me for the visit, which I found astounding, particularly given that the day before my doctor hadn’t charged me a copay for my physical. The boy says I should look at these freebees as good things that have happened to me. But I suspect that either: a. I must be looking very sad sack indeed if doctors and plumbers are foregoing their fees for me and/or b. the universe has something really heinous in store nexxt and is just trying to keep me off guard. Clearly I am not and have never been an optimist. The plumber also advised me to keep the house warm, advice I’ve been waiting a decade for, as normally I live in a meat locker so as to forego sending PNM one extra cent for their CEO’s outrageous salary (and because it’s so damn expensive in the winter and they ain’t giving away the power bars at Whole Foods, last time I checked). I spent most of the weekend on the couch, unable to turn my head, occasionally getting up to check the space heater and make sure it hadn’t caused the particle board to catch on fire. I AM LIVING THE DREAM PEOPLE!
About 6 pm last night the water came back on, rather loudly. There is now a puddle in the kitchen, which I suspect means a pipe has indeed burst, although the boy believes there may just be a leak related to the refrigerator. I am determined not to call a plumber after hours and am just trying to think optimistic thoughts, a task that is definitely not helping my seized-up neck. On the bright side, I just had some dinner, my motivation being that I can’t take my pain pills without food in my stomach. And I wouldn’t even have pain pills for my aching neck if I hadn’t gotten a huge prescription when I had to have my wisdom tooth extracted emergency style before New Year’s. So see, everything happens for a reason.
So far, not super impressed with 2008.