Author: Julia Goldberg
well, hello
As several people have questioned me about my blogging absence, before supplying the requisite, “you must be really busy,” I decided to drop in and say, yes, I have been very busy.But busy isn’t really[…]
ODing on politics
In the vernacular of political junkiesm, I think I’m hitting my limit. I’ve been writing SFR’s political endorsements for five days. In between I: argued with a Republican friend, early voted and saw W (which[…]
Yay Zane
Zane Fischer, SFR’s web editor, columnist and art critic, is profiled today by The Association of Alternative Newsweeklies, in its How I Got That Storyseries. AAN is profiling first-place winners from its annual contest. Zane[…]
Goodbye Club I
Live in Santa Fe for a few decades and you get used to saying goodbye. Friends you love leave, restaurants you eat at close, politicians you regularly interview retire or get indicted.Nonetheless, there are a[…]