Despite my ongoing quest for keeping an open mind, I have a little bit of a “thing” against people who drive huge, massive SUVs. Fortunately, for me, this is one area in which prejudice is[…]
Author: Julia Goldberg
but where’s the rain?
It’s a windy blustery and intermittently thundering Sunday night. But no rain yet, though I wish it would rain and dispell some of the strange humidity that’s been in the air all day. I spent[…]
on the block
So tonight, from 5 to 9 pm, you’ll find me and probably 5,000 other people in The Reporter’s parking lot, Yes, it’s time for our annual block party. If you haven’t been before, come on[…]
the answer is blowing in the wind
I spent so many years not believing allergies were a real thing (since everyone in Santa Fe believes in something, I’ve decided to be different and believe in nothing), that it’s hard to reconcile myself[…]