Ten days after surgery, my mouth is healing well, says Dr. R. today. Really well, really fast, he said, sounding surprised. Much faster than he’d expected.‘Well, I’m a really fast healer,” I told him. Even[…]
Author: Julia Goldberg
OK, let’s get serious
I had dinner last night with Heather, Brad and Darius at, of course, the Cowgirl. The dinner made me realize a few things: 1. I have never had a meal anywhere with Darius that wasn’t[…]
back from philly
A more detailed post to follow (I am wiped out from lack of sleep and my ridiculously early flight). In the meantime, check out how well we did at the annual awards.(the short version: two[…]
Apparently one can go home again, though it remains to be seen what benefit there might be to doing so
Memorial Day
Well, it’s a Monday holiday, which means I’m not at work. We slammed on Friday to get everything done so that our Tuesday press deadline wouldn’t be too rough. All that remains is to write[…]