No, I really don’t think so. Unlike some people I’ve known, I’ve never had a fascination with any other culture or a desire to appropriate it or live somewhere else. I belong to no land[…]
Author: Julia Goldberg
this is only a test
So the news today is that the FCC has approved a system so the government can send everyone text messages when there’s some kind of horrific emergency. The brain trusts on the morning news shows[…]
live to blog another blog
Slate pretty much demolished The Times’ weird blogging kills story. And it really begs the question: How does a story like this get published?Now this April 7 Albuquerque Journal story about one mother’s crusade against[…]
overheard at the dentist
So yesterday, while getting my teeth cleaned, the hygenist told me that she cleans inmates’ teeth part-time at the prison. And that Wednesday, she would be cleaning accused cop-killer Michael Astorga’s teeth, because all inmates[…]