Well, I don’t know if I’m heading there, but My So-Called Apocalypse is. We’ve been accepted to the Atlanta Horror Film Festival, September 15 – 17. We’re screening Sept. 16 in the comedy horror shorts division: http://atlantahorrorfilmfest.com/Blog/Entries/2011/9/16_Comedy_Horror_Shorts_ONE.html
Author: Julia Goldberg
Summer of Flash
I am a greedy reader, a pleasure reader, a literary hedonist. I want my coffee strong and my novels long. I want to escape for days on end into story and character. Some of my[…]
Political Magical Thinking
I’ve mostly been relegating any political posts to Swing State of Mind, but this isn’t so much a political post as it is a musing (aka disjointed grouping together of random thoughts signifying nothing).Tonight I’m[…]
and then it was july
It’s been a very strange and turbulent summer. There’s the weather: afternoon monsoons coupled with morning rains and chilly nights. It doesn’t quite feel like Santa Fe.And there’s the added workload, some of which is[…]
If you can’t stand the heat
then don’t go outside. That’s pretty much my current mindset. I’m in Tucson, Arizona for the annual AAN conference and I’m pretty sure it’s at least 100 degrees outside. I don’t really care how hot[…]