I leave for Zurich, Switzerland on Christmas morning, and have been subsumed with deciding which books to bring with me for airplane reading and then vacation reading. I am always worried I will end up stuck without a book (I worry a little less now that I have given in to reading on my iPad when desperate), so I’ve been trying to plan carefully! So far my list includes:
Iphegenia in Forest Hills by Janet Malcolm (because I’ll pretty much read anything Malcolm writes)
The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides
White Noise by Don Delillo (which I feel like I should have already read).
Straight Man by Richard Russo (I don’t know why; it just jumped off the bookshelf at me).
I also will be, of course, preparing for my courses in the spring, of which there are many! You can read about my intermediate fiction class at Santa Fe Community College, for which there are still a few spots remaining. It’s one of my favorite classes to teach, so I’m excited.